Mole Removal NYC

Comprehensive Mole Management in New York City

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A woman with spots on her neck.

Are unsightly moles negatively impacting your appearance or causing self-consciousness? As a leading plastic surgeon, Dr. Darren M. Smith specializes in removing moles safely and effectively – both for cosmetic enhancement and medical purposes.

From evaluating your unique concerns to developing a customized treatment plan, you can achieve your goals with our individualized  mole removal treatment plans.

Understanding Moles

Moles develop when pigment cells called melanocytes grow in clusters underneath the skin. They can appear anywhere on the skin or mucous membranes alone or clustered together. Their color ranges from pink-tan to dark brown-black, and they may be flat or raised.

The different types of mole include:

Type of MoleDescription
Common MolesRound-oval shaped and pink, tan, or brown with a distinct edge. Can have hair and range from flesh-colored to black. Tend to have a stable size and appearance over time.
Atypical MolesTend to be larger than a pencil eraser, irregular or multicolored with hues of brown, black, blue, or pink. Change in size and appearance over time.
Congenital MolesPresent at birth or appearing in the first two years of life. Vary in size, shape, and color. May be called a “congenital melanocytic nevus.” Larger ones can be called a “giant congenital melanocytic nevus.” 
Spitz NeviHave a dome shape and are generally pink or red, but may be other colors.. Tend to occur on the face or legs.
Blue NeviUsually circular and shades of blue or slate gray. They are nodules that appear on the head, arms, legs, or buttocks.
Halo NeviFeature a brown central region surrounded by a pale halo or ring.
Dermal NeviA general term for moles. Seen in a wide variety of shapes and colors..
Lentigo MolesFlat,dark lesions with well-defined borders. They do not tend to fade in winter months. .
Dysplastic NeviLarger lesions with an irregular shape. Tend to have uneven pigment with darker centers and lighter borders.

Most people have 10-40 moles by adulthood which typically appear in childhood or the first 20 years of life. They frequently form in areas with the most sun exposure, like the scalp and extremities, but can also form in less common areas like between the fingers. .

It’s important to know your moles’ appearance and location since changes may indicate skin cancer.

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Cosmetic and Medical Reasons for Mole Removal

Some patients desire mole removal procedures for cosmetic reasons, such as a desire to enhance one’s appearance and boost self-confidence. Sometimes moles can be in an awkward location and negatively impact the appearance of your natural features. Beauty marks may also be removed to enhance skin texture and overall look.

Certain moles must be removed for medical purposes. Cancerous or suspicious moles displaying changes in characteristics like size, shape, or color signify a potential health risk, such as in the case of melanoma.

Early detection and biopsy concerning growths allow for effective treatment if skin cancer is diagnosed. Some moles, if large, changing, or displaying irregular features, may indicate skin cancer and should undergo examination and possible excision. 

Mole Removal Procedures

Mole removal is typically performed as an outpatient procedure using local anesthesia. After numbing the area with an injected anesthetic, the mole can be removed by several common methods.


Excision involves carefully removing the mole and the surrounding margin of skin with a scalpel or surgical scissors after numbing the area with a local anesthetic. This method aims to completely remove the mole along with any involved connective tissue below the surface of the skin. Deeper moles may require precise layered suturing after excision to close the resulting wound. This form of mole removal allows for a pathologist to examine the mole under a microscope and ensure it does not have any dangerous features of cancer.

Mohs Surgery

This is a specialized technique used to remove cancerous lesions. After the lesion is removed, the edges are examined under a microscope to ensure all cancerous cells were removed. If additional cancer cells are visible at the edge of the excised specimen, a small additional excision is performed. 

This tissue is then examined to ensure no cancer cells are present, and the process is repeated as needed to remove all cancerous cells. This process allows for the removal of the smallest possible amount of tissue while ensuring all cancerous cells are removed.

Shave Removal

Shave removal uses a scalpel to smoothly shave off the mole from the top layer of skin. This procedure is well-suited for smaller, more superficial moles that do not extend deeper into the skin layers. Suturing is typically not needed after shave removal.

Laser Removal

A precise laser is targeted at mole tissue to selectively destroy and remove it. Laser removal is aimed at certain lesions that do not have malignant (cancerous) potential, depending on the type and location of the mole.


Liquid nitrogen cryotherapy freezes and removes harmless moles in a minimally invasive manner. Small, controlled doses of liquid nitrogen are applied to thoroughly treat the mole.

Post-Procedure Care

Proper wound care after mole removal is essential to ensure an optimal healing process and minimize scarring. Some of the things we advise our patients  to achieve successful healing are included in this table.

Post-Op Care Instructions
Keep the area dry for 48 hours
After 48 hours, gently wash the area with soap and reapply an ointment like neosporin or bacitracin to keep it moist
Avoid picking at the scab or scratching the healing site
Keep the area clean, dry, and protected from sunlight during recovery
Regularly use advanced silicone-based scar gels to minimize visible scarring
Follow-up care is important to ensure you are on the right track
Closely follow post-op care instructions to minimize the appearance of scarring over time
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Why Choose Dr. Darren M. Smith


As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Smith has completed advanced fellowships in aesthetic and craniofacial surgery, providing expert knowledge in mole removal and reconstructive techniques.

Extensive Experience

With years of clinical experience and specialized training, he has performed vast numbers of mole removal surgeries using the most advanced methods to ensure safe and effective results.


Vogue, The New York Times, and other top media outlets have recognized Dr. Smith’s expertise, and Dr. Smith maintains excellent patient reviews for his compassionate care.

Advanced Techniques

With continuous refinement of his surgical skills, Dr. Smith is at the forefront of the field and expert in techniques that minimize scarring for the most aesthetic outcomes.

Personalized Approach

Dr. Darren M. Smith takes his time to understand your goals and concerns, developing customized treatment plans tailored to your individual needs and anatomy.

Convenient Location

Access his fully-accredited NYC facility and professional services with ease for your mole removal, skin cancer care, and other cosmetic needs.

Get Expert Guidance Concerning Moles

It’s so important to have any suspicious moles properly examined and removed by experienced physicians. Ignoring potential skin concerns can lead to more serious issues developing over time.

Dr. Darren M. Smith has extensive expertise in performing mole removals and skin cancer procedures, with a proven track record of excellent results.

Schedule a consultation today and receive a personalized medical assessment. Dr. Smith can evaluate any moles or marks that concern you, answer all of your questions, and recommend the best custom treatment plan.

Taking this step will give you valuable guidance from a knowledgeable professional dedicated to skin health and disease detection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is mole removal painful?

While the procedure itself is usually done with local anesthesia, some minor discomfort during the healing process is normal. We will design a customized recovery plan for you to minimize discomfort.

What is the recovery time?

It varies depending on the size and location of the mole, as well as the removal method used. Most patients find they can resume regular activities almost immediately. Our goal is a fast, effective treatment with minimal downtime.

When should I have a mole checked?

We advise our patients to be under the care of a dermatologist for systematic surveillance with regular exams. Any moles that are larger than a quarter inch, change in appearance, have irregular borders or have color variation may be of particular concern. Early examination can help detect potential skin cancer risks. 

How often should I get skin checks?

Annual full-body skin exams are advised to  monitor for any new moles or changes in existing moles. Those at higher risk may need exams more frequently. We’re committed to supporting patients’ long-term skin health and cancer screening.

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