Stomach Liposuction in NYC

Get the flat stomach you've always wanted with Dr. Darren Smith

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A naked woman laying on a bed with white sheets.

For many New Yorkers, achieving that perfect summer beach body is a lifelong quest. 

Despite religiously sticking to salads and crunch routines, some of us find that stubborn belly fat simply refuses to budge. This is where stomach liposuction comes in – the cosmetic procedure that can help melt away unwanted flab around the midsection.

If you’re considering stomach liposuction in NYC, look no further than Dr. Darren Smith. With over a decade of experience performing liposuction, Dr. Smith is a leading expert in sculpting the abdominal area. 

His artistic eye, surgical skills, and passion for enhancing patients’ natural beauty allow him to deliver beautiful, athletic-looking results. 

Contact Dr. Smith today to schedule a consultation and discuss how stomach liposuction can help you achieve the flat, toned belly you’ve always wanted.

Understanding Liposuction

So what exactly is liposuction and how does it work its magic?

Liposuction is a type of cosmetic surgery that removes unwanted fat deposits from specific areas of the body, including the abdomen, thighs, hips, flanks, chin, upper arms, back, and knees.

It works by inserting a small stainless steel tube, called a cannula, through tiny incisions in the skin. The surgeon then uses the cannula to vacuum out the fat cells, sculpting and contouring the treatment area.

A woman in a white bikini showing her stomach.

Liposuction Techniques for Precise Fat Removal

There are several techniques used in liposuction procedures:

  • Tumescent liposuction involves injecting a solution of saline, lidocaine, and epinephrine into the fatty area before removal. This helps minimize blood loss and discomfort during the procedure.
  • Power assisted liposuction uses a specialized cannula with a powered reciprocating tip that allows for more precise removal of fat.
  • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction uses ultrasonic energy to liquefy the fat before it is vacuumed out. This is suited for more fibrous areas of fat.
  • Laser assisted liposuction uses laser energy to heat and melt fat while tightening skin. We find this technology to be less effective than radiofrequency energy.
  • Radiofrequency-assisted liposuction uses RF energy to heat the skin and dermis. This provides an added skin tightening effect.

The technique used will depend on factors like the area being treated and the patient’s goals. Though techniques vary, the aim remains the same – to gently remove unwanted pockets of fat and sculpt a more aesthetically pleasing contour of the body.

A surgeon is performing stomach surgery on a patient in an operating room.

Abdominal Liposuction for a Flatter Stomach

For those seeking a flatter tummy, abdominal liposuction is usually performed under IV sedation or general anesthesia.

Small incisions are made in natural creases around the abdomen where the cannula is inserted to vacuum out fat. In some cases, the procedure may be combined with abdominoplasty or “tummy tuck” surgery which also tightens abdominal muscles and removes excess skin.

A woman in a white bra top posing to show off her toned stomach for a photo.
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Benefits of Stomach Liposuction

Stomach liposuction offers several advantages for those looking to refine their midsection. These include:

Permanent Fat Removal for a Slimmer Contour

One major benefit is that it provides permanent removal of stubborn fat cells from the abdomen and waist. Unlike diet and exercise, liposuction permanently eliminates fat cells from the treated areas. Patients can see a slimmer contour and less fat around the stomach after this fat removal procedure.

Enhanced Appearance and Self-Esteem

Removing unwanted abdominal fat can enhance physical appearance and self-esteem. By eliminating excess fat, patients can achieve a more aesthetically pleasing silhouette, which can increase confidence and positive body image.

Targeted Elimination of Stubborn Abdominal Fat Deposits

Stomach liposuction also allows for spot reduction of resistant fat deposits. Some individuals struggle to lose fat in certain areas like the stomach, despite healthy eating and regular exercise. Liposuction effectively targets these resistant pockets of abdominal fat.

Supporting Health Goals and Weight Management

While not a weight loss solution per se, liposuction can support improved health by helping patients reach their ideal weight and BMI range when excess fat is removed from the midsection and other areas. Maintaining a healthy weight and BMI is beneficial for overall well being.

Liposuction vs. Tummy Tuck

For individuals seeking a flatter, tighter stomach, two of the most popular surgical options are liposuction and abdominoplasty, better known as a “tummy tuck”. While both procedures aim to refine the abdominal area, there are some key differences between the two.

What Each Surgery Entails

The main distinction is that liposuction focuses on fat removal, while a tummy tuck tightens abdominal muscles and removes excess skin, in addition to eliminating fat.

As discussed earlier, liposuction uses small tubes called cannulas to suction out unwanted fat deposits. A tummy tuck goes further by tightening weakened or separated muscles and trimming loose, sagging skin for a firmer, more sculpted abdomen.

Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure with very small scars and rapid recovery. A tummy tuck is an open procedure with more significant scars and a longer recovery period. Dr. Smith has gained a reputation of pushing the limits of liposuction with advanced techniques to help more people achieve superb results without needing an abdominoplasty.

Surgeons performing stomach surgery on a patient in an operating room.

Recovery Times Compared

Another difference relates to recovery time. Patients can generally expect to return to normal activities faster after liposuction, with a return to work in 48 hours being quite common. Tummy tucks involve a more complex procedure, so recovery generally takes about 2 weeks.

Considering Scarring Outcomes

Scarring is also a consideration. Liposuction scars are much smaller since they originate from minor access points. Tummy tuck scars are substantially longer given the more involved surgery, though practiced surgeons make efforts to place scars strategically so they can be hidden as much as possible.

A woman in a white bikini showcasing her toned stomach as she poses on the beach.

Determining the Right Approach

When determining which procedure is best for a given patient, factors like skin laxity, muscle condition, and amount of fat to be removed come into play. For instance, those with good skin elasticity may achieve their goals with liposuction alone.

However, patients with excessive skin may need a tummy tuck for optimal tightening and contouring.

Some patients with moderate skin laxity may do very well with liposuction combined with minimally invasive tissue and skin tightening procedures like VASER and BodyTite.

An experienced surgeon can help select the best procedure based on the patient’s unique goals and anatomy.

A woman in a white bikini gently resting her hand on her stomach.
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Patient Safety and Outcomes

While liposuction is a quite safe and predictable cosmetic procedure when performed by an experienced surgeon, patients should still understand the potential risks involved and how to achieve optimal outcomes.

It is important that patients are candid with their surgeon about any health conditions or medications taken, as these may increase surgical risks. Stopping certain medications or supplements in advance of surgery may be recommended.
Patients should also cease smoking for a period before and after surgery, as smoking impedes healing.

During the procedure, surgeons take steps to maximize patient safety. This includes using sterile technique, administering IV fluids, and employing methods like tumescent liposuction to minimize blood loss and trauma. Careful monitoring of the patient throughout the procedure reduces risks.

After surgery, risks like bleeding, infection and blood clots are minimized when patients diligently follow post-op instructions for incision care, compression garments, activity restrictions and medication. Keeping follow-up visits and contacting the surgeon about any concerning symptoms or questions facilitates proper healing.

While irregularities in skin contour or pigmentation are possible, an experienced surgeon can mitigate unfavorable outcomes. Technique, remaining at a stable weight, and allowing the body adequate healing time all play a role in achieving smooth, symmetrical results. Continued healthy nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle habits after surgery are equally important.

When performed skillfully by a reputable surgeon, liposuction can safely enhance abdominal aesthetics and self-confidence. However, a personalized, professional approach and patient compliance are vital for safe, satisfying outcomes.

Body Contouring and Skin Tightening

Liposuction excels at removing unwanted fat to contour the body, but what about addressing loose skin? For optimal abdominal sculpting, skin tightening is an important consideration.

After liposuction removes excess stomach fat, the skin may lack elasticity and appear loose or sagging. There are several options to tighten skin depending on its condition. For mild to moderate laxity, ultrasound (VASER) or radio frequency (BodyTite) assisted liposuction provides significant skin tightening benefits in addition to fat removal. The heat from these technologies stimulates collagen production to tighten and firm skin.

In cases of moderate laxity, a procedure called BodyTite can be performed in conjunction with liposuction. BodyTite uses radiofrequency energy to heat tissue and stimulate skin tightening from the inside out. Combining BodyTite with abdominal liposuction allows for fat removal and skin tightening in a single procedure.

For significant skin laxity, a tummy tuck or body lift may be required following liposuction. These procedures surgically remove excess, hanging skin and tighten underlying muscles to create a smoother, firmer abdominal contour when liposuction alone is inadequate.

The combination approach of using liposuction with energy-based skin tightening or surgical excision allows for comprehensive improvement in abdominal shape and tone. An experienced surgeon will evaluate skin quality and recommend the best secondary procedures to complement initial fat removal for a comprehensive transformation.

Liposuction and Obesity

While liposuction is often thought of as a weight loss procedure, it is really intended for shape change, not weight change. It is best suited for patients at our near their goal weightlooking for targeted contouring of problem spots like the abdomen and love handles.

Liposuction is not intended as a weight loss solution for obese patients. Obesity is best treated medically or with bariatric surgery. Once a patient is close to or at his or her goal weight, liposuction and other body contouring procedures may be appropriate adjuncts to help achieve a desired aesthetic outcome. The ideal candidates for liposuction are individuals already near their healthy weight who are troubled by isolated areas resistant to diet and exercise.

Stomach tuck before and after.

For women and men with good skin elasticity, liposuction can effectively reduce stubborn fat pockets and create a more sculpted shape.

Fat removal around the stomach and flanks smoothes the midsection and accentuates curvature of the body. Areas like the outer and inner thighs can also be addressed for complete body contouring.

When performed by a skilled surgeon, a modest amount of fat removed from women and men can lead to dramatic improvements in silhouette and self-confidence.

However, it’s important that all liposuction patients maintain realistic expectations. While liposuction can dramatically enhance shape, it cannot change bone structure or tighten skin without adjunctive procedures. Results also depend on factors like age, skin tone, and adherence to a healthy lifestyle.

An experienced surgeon can advise male and female patients on expected improvements so goals align with anatomical realities.

For patients committed to preserving results, abdominal liposuction can be an empowering way to gain confidence and inspire a healthy lifestyle. A reputable surgeon understands how to employ this body shaping tool for enhancement without overcorrection.

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Latest Advancements in Liposuction

As liposuction techniques advance, patients today can enjoy less invasive procedures with enhanced results. Some of the latest developments include:

Power-assisted liposuction (PAL) utilizes a specialized cannula with mechanized movement to facilitate fat removal. This allows the surgeon to remove fat more easily and with greater precision. PAL offers reduced surgeon fatigue and trauma.

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction uses ultrasonic energy to liquefy fat prior to suction. This selective melting of fat while preserving other tissues allows for refined body contouring. Thermal effects also stimulate mild skin tightening.

Laser assisted liposuction employs laser energy to rupture fat cell membranes before fat is removed via suction. Lasers provide controlled energy for efficient fat removal with negligible bleeding and bruising. We find this technique to be less effective than radio frequency assisted liposuction.

Radio frequency assisted liposuction uses radio frequency energy to target the skin. This heats the tissue, yielding enhanced collagen and elastin production and accompanying skin tightening.

While traditional liposuction relies solely on manual movement of the cannula, energy-assisted techniques leverage technology for more dramatic results. Surgeons can better differentiate unwanted fat versus important connective tissues and achieve enhanced contour.

Among the benefits of these newer approaches are enhanced skin tightening and faster recovery times. However, an experienced surgeon knows when traditional manual techniques may suffice based on the treatment areas and degree of correction desired.

Advancements in liposuction offer more options for safe, effective fat removal with improved body contours and minimal downtime. But the surgeon’s skill remains paramount in conducting these technically demanding procedures and achieving natural-looking outcomes.

Recovery After Stomach Liposuction

Recovery is an important consideration for those considering abdominal liposuction. While every patient heals differently, understanding what to expect can promote proper rest and self-care after surgery.

Patients will need to arrange for someone to drive them home and assist in the first 24-48 hours following stomach liposuction. Initial recovery usually involves 1-2 days of soreness similar to that experienced after an intense workout. A return to work after 48 hours is generally a reasonable expectation.

Patients can expect post-operative soreness, swelling, bruising and numbness that will subside over days and weeks. Medications are prescribed to manage discomfort, along with antibiotics to prevent infection when appropriate. Wearing a compression garment helps minimize swelling.

Many patients return to gentle workouts within 2-4 days after liposuction. More physically demanding activities will need to be avoided for about 2-4 weeks as the body. We recommend a gradual return to exercise that respects individual comfort levels to our patients.

It takes about 3-6 months for the full results to become apparent as inflammation resolves and the skin adjusts to its new contour. Swelling may persist for several months, so patients should not be concerned if they do not see the final results for some time.

Proper nutrition, hydration, rest, and avoidance of restricted activities promotes the best recovery. Excellent self-care and follow-up with the care team allows patients to smoothly recover and enjoy their refined abdominal aesthetic.

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Cost of Stomach Liposuction in NYC

As an elective cosmetic procedure, liposuction costs are not covered by anesthesia for those seeking abdominal contouring in New York City. The price varies based on factors like:

  • Surgeon’s experience – Board-certified plastic surgeons with years of specialty experience tend to charge higher fees. Their expertise tends to be worth the price.
  • Scope of treatment – More extensive contouring requiring longer surgery times costs more than isolated single-area treatments.
  • Technique used – Advanced methods like VASER, ultrasound, or power-assisted liposuction has higher fees than traditional liposuction.
A woman in a blue bikini showcasing her flat stomach on a pink background.
  • Geographic location – Plastic surgery in major metro areas like NYC is generally more expensive.
  • Facility charges – Operating room, equipment costs, and anesthesia fees may be billed separately from the surgeon’s fee.

On average, liposuction of the abdomen costs approximately $8,000 – $12,000 in New York City. Abdominal etching, a specialized VASER liposuction technique for sculpted muscles, ranges from $9,000 – $13,500. Total costs depend on the factors above.
While cost is a consideration, choosing a surgeon based solely on price is unwise. The skill level of the plastic surgeon has the greatest influence on ultimate satisfaction. Investing in exceptional quality of care generally yields improved results.

A man is getting a syringe injected into his stomach.

Ideal Weight for Stomach Liposuction Candidates

To get the most out of abdominal liposuction, patients should ideally be at or near their healthy weight. Those significantly overweight are usually encouraged to reach their weight loss goals before liposuction.

The reasons to be at our near goal weight include:

  • Safety – Operating on significantly overweight patients increases surgical risks like bleeding and complications. Losing weight first reduces these risks.
  • Results – With substantial weight still to lose, results may be unsatisfying or temporary as remaining fat continues shifting. Being near goal weight allows sculpting the final trouble spots.
  • Contour quality – On significantly overweight individuals, the abdomen often has skin laxity that may impact the quality of the final contour. At goal weight, we can assess skin contour and plan accordingly for optimized results.
  • Amount of fat removal needed – The maximum volume of fat that can be safely removed in one session at an outpatient facility is roughly 5 liters. Those well over their ideal weight may require fat removal in excess of this limit for the desired results.

The ideal candidates for ab etching, the liposuction technique to sculpt abdominal musculature, are individuals who are mildly overweight or already athletic with decent muscle tone. Etching refined definition on top of well-conditioned abdominal muscles is the key to success with this procedure.

However, exceptions may be made for overweight individuals with fat deposits that do not respond to diet and exercise. An experienced surgeon conducts a thorough consultation to advise patients who fall outside ideal weight ranges.

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Facilities and Equipment Used for Stomach Liposuction in NYC

In New York City, liposuction is commonly performed in accredited ambulatory surgical facilities or specialized cosmetic surgery centers. The facilities and equipment utilized influence patient comfort, safety, and surgical outcomes.

State-of-the-art facilities invest in the latest technology and maintain rigorous safety protocols. Features that enhance the liposuction experience include:

  • Private pre-op and recovery rooms to protect patient privacy.
  • Sterilization systems like advanced vacuum autoclaves to ensure disinfected instrumentation.
  • HEPA air filtration in operating rooms for optimal infection control.
  • Advanced lighting systems to visualize body contours with precision.
  • Ergonomic, heated adjustable tables allowing patients to be positioned comfortably with ideal body temperature.
Two jars filled with stomach liquid on a table in an operating room.

The equipment involved also affects results. Some tools of the trade include:

  • Power-assisted liposuction systems for controlled, selective fat removal.
  • VASER ultrasonic units that liquefy fat while preserving important connective tissue structures.
  • Radiofrequency systems to tighten skin.
  • Tiny microcannulas that promote smoother results and minimized trauma.
  • Electromagnetic devices to build muscle and enhance the final contour.

By investing in first-class facilities and equipment, practices ensure patients undergo liposuction feeling at ease, in capable hands, using the latest technologies for safe and satisfying outcomes.

A woman's legs with a lot of wrinkles on the stomach area.

Liposuction Treatments for Protuberant Thighs

For some individuals, excess fat concentrated on the inner thighs causes them to rub together or protrude, leading to chafing and discomfort. In these cases, liposuction can effectively reshape the upper legs for a more comfortable contour.

Protuberant or rubbing thighs are often resistant to diet and exercise alone. Liposuction surgically removes concentrated pockets of fat, reducing the size of the inner thighs. Suctioning fat just beneath the skin eliminates bulging and decreases thigh circumference.

Protuberant thighs can be caused by fat accumulation in the following areas:

  • The inner thighs, resulting in persistent rubbing.
  • The outer thighs, causing the legs to taper outwards.
  • The anterior thighs, leading to a full appearance.

Liposuction can target problem zones in the inner, outer, and anterior thigh regions. Removal of fat cells in these areas smooths the silhouette and minimizes friction between the legs.

For optimal improvement in protuberant thighs, the amount of fat removed must be carefully planned. Removing too much fat can result in irregularity or indentation. An experienced surgeon will advise individuals with protuberant thighs on attaining comfortable, proportional contouring.

While not a weight loss treatment, liposuction offers those with rubenesque thighs a solution for realigning their legs, preventing discomfort from friction. Satisfaction comes from legs with a shapely, slimmed appearance.

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The Role of Plastic Surgeons in Stomach Liposuction

Abdominal liposuction is a sophisticated body contouring procedure that relies on the skill and artistry of plastic surgeons to meet patients’ goals safely and effectively. But what exactly is their role in this process?

During the initial consultation, the plastic surgeon assesses the individual’s anatomy and trouble spots. They determine if liposuction can likely improve particular concerns like love handles or sagging stomach skin. If other modalities like a tummy tuck may be better suited, the surgeon provides guidance.

Leading up to surgery, the plastic surgeon formulates the surgical plan. Factors like the volume of fat removal, incision placement, instrument selection, and combination procedures are mapped out to target the desired areas.

The plastic surgeon conducts the liposuction procedure with an artistic eye, sculpting gradual curves and athletic-looking muscle definition as appropriate. Their skill impacts smoothness of results and rapidity of recovery.

In follow-up visits, the plastic surgeon evaluates healing and provides instructions to support proper recuperation. Post-op care is key to avoiding complications.

Exceptional plastic surgeons also have an aesthetic sensibility that aligns with current beauty standards. They understand techniques tailored to the unique needs of the individual. Ultimately, their expertise significantly influences patient safety, satisfaction, and confidence in the contours achieved through abdominal liposuction.

Understanding Cellulite and Its Treatment Options with Liposuction

Cellulite is a common skin condition that causes a dimpled, uneven appearance, most frequently on the thighs and buttocks. While not dangerous, many seek ways to reduce cellulite for cosmetic reasons. Can liposuction effectively treat cellulite?

Cellulite forms due to fibrous connective tissue bands under the skin that pull down and create an irregular surface. Fat cells bulge outward between these rigid bands, creating a lumpy look. Female hormones, genetics, diet, and lack of exercise can worsen the appearance of cellulite.

In some cases, liposuction may provide mild improvement in cellulite. Suctioning out the bulging pockets of fat can make the dimples less evident. However, liposuction cannot remove the fibrous bands that contribute to cellulite.

A woman is touching her stomach with her hands.

More advanced options like Emtone work on the fibrous bands. Emtone uses radiofrequency and targeted pressure energy to disrupt the constricted bands and stimulate collagen production for smoother tissue. When combined with liposuction, Emtone can offer a meaningful form of cellulite reduction.

Other non-invasive cellulite treatments to be used along with liposuction may include:

  • Radiofrequency skin tightening
  • Manual massage techniques
  • Topical cellulite creams to plump and hydrate skin

While liposuction alone has some impact, a multi-modal approach addressing both fat pockets and fibrous bands works best to tackle moderate to severe cellulite. An experienced provider can recommend the most effective treatment plan.

An image of a woman's abdomen with an arrow pointing to her stomach.
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Liposuction Techniques for Male Patients

The techniques involved in liposuction may be tailored to effectively enhance the masculine physique. Male patients seek body contouring procedures like liposuction to address concerns like love handles, male breasts, and abdominal fat.

For men, common areas addressed by liposuction include:

  • Flanks and hips – To create the desired “V” shape by removing love handles.
  • Breasts – To reduce enlarged or swollen breast tissue in a condition called gynecomastia.
  • Abdomen – To refine the stomach area through fat removal and muscle etching.
  • Neck – To sharpen the jawline and chin by suctioning out a double chin.

The liposuction procedure itself is similar between genders, involving small incisions and the use of narrow tubes called cannulas to gently suction away excess fat. However, surgeons take care to accentuate masculine features:

  • Crisp, angular transitions rather than rounded curves.
  • A six-pack ab look by etching separations between abdominal muscles.
  • A distinct, chiseled chest contour.
  • A strong, chiseled jawline and neck.

Ethnicity also plays a role in technique, as different ethnicities have varied fat distribution patterns and artistic preferences. An experienced surgeon understands how to employ nuanced approaches to enhance masculine definition in harmony with the patient’s unique anatomy and goals.

Managing Unfavorable Outcomes of Liposuction

While infrequent with an experienced surgeon, some patients may be dissatisfied with their liposuction results. There are proactive steps patients and doctors can take to manage and improve suboptimal outcomes. Dr. Smith lectures nationally on managing liposuction complications and has substantial experience correcting deformities from other practices with revision liposuction procedures.

Possible issues that impact patient satisfaction include:

  • Contour irregularities like depressions, dents, asymmetry, or waviness.
  • Loose, sagging skin due to inadequate skin elasticity.
  • Discoloration or skin damage from trauma sustained during treatment.
Stomach tuck before and after pictures.
  • Insufficient fat removal leading to less contour improvement than desired.
  • Over-resection resulting in an overly thin or hollow appearance.
  • Persistent swelling taking many months to fully resolve.

To address such issues, the first step is to have open discussions with the surgeon during follow-up visits. The surgeon may prescribe therapies like massage or ultrasound to help smooth uneven areas. In some cases, a revision touch-up procedure may be warranted to correct irregularities.

If sagging skin is the primary concern, options like ultrasound skin tightening, radiofrequency skin tightening, or an excisional procedure can be considered. The treatment plan depends on the cause and severity of the problem.

While secondary procedures may be required to achieve satisfaction, a reputable surgeon focused on patient care puts achieving optimal results first, working compassionately with patients should the initial outcome be less than ideal.

A surgeon is performing stomach surgery on a patient in an operating room.
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Liposuction for Abdomen and Chest Contouring

Liposuction is commonly used for fat removal and contouring of both the abdomen and chest region in both women and men. The techniques utilized in these areas require precision for smooth, natural-looking results.

In the abdomen, liposuction sculpts the stomach area by suctioning out fat deposits to create a flatter profile. Frequently treated zones include the upper and lower abdomen, flanks, and waistline. In women, abdominal liposuction aims to accentuate the curves of the body by selectively removing fat at precise points.

Men, more frequently than women, may opt for abdominal etching to further refine the abdominal muscles under the layer of fat. The surgeon uses liposuction to precisely carve grooves between the abdominal muscles, enhancing muscularity. Minor fat removal uncovers underlying abdominal definition.

For the chest, common concerns include contouring the sides under the arms to create the appearance of a slimmer torso. In men, chest liposuction may be combined with surgical excision of breast tissue and excess skin in cases of gynecomastia. A masculine breast contour is reestablished.

In women, smaller amounts of fat may be removed from the lateral chest or breasts for subtle shaping based on the patient’s goals and anatomy.
A sculpted yet natural look relies on the surgeon’s technical skills and aesthetic eye. When performed skillfully, patients can enjoy refined contours of their abdomen and chest.

Liposuction and Male Weight Loss

Although liposuction is not a weight loss procedure, it can be a helpful tool for men looking to refine their shape after losing weight through diet and exercise. Here is how liposuction complements male weight loss:

  • Liposuction removes stubborn pockets of fat in areas resistant to diet and exercise. Common trouble spots in men are the belly, flanks, chest, and neck. Liposuction spot-treats these zones for a contoured look.
  • Muscle definition achieved through weight lifting can be better emphasized when a layer of fat on top is reduced. Liposuction unveils underlying abdominal and chest muscles.
  • Following major weight loss, excess sagging skin may remain. Liposuction removes some of the fat inside this loose skin for improved appearance before surgery to excise excess skin.
A man is undergoing stomach surgery.
  • A trimmer silhouette is created as liposuction reduces overall body measurements in a proportional, natural-looking manner. Clothes fit better.
  • Some weight loss methods like bariatric surgery reduce fat cell numbers. Liposuction permanently removes fat cells from treated areas for long-lasting improvements complimenting the results achieved with bariatric surgery.
  • Fat removed by liposuction tends not to return to treated areas if weight is regained because fat cells in those areas are permanently eliminated. Fat tends to be gained evenly elsewhere in the body following previous weight gain patterns with the absence of the treated area.

The key is to view liposuction in the context of weight loss as a body contouring finishing touch, not an initial weight loss method. When combined with healthy lifestyle changes, it helps maximize an athletic, masculine physique after significant weight reduction.

A laptop computer displaying a woman's face.

Before & After

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Schedule Your Consultation Today and Start Your Journey to a Slimmer, More Confident You

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your stomach?

Do you wish you could wear the clothes you love without feeling bloated or uncomfortable?

Dr. Smith is a leading expert in stomach liposuction in NYC, and he has helped hundreds of patients achieve the flat, toned stomachs they’ve always wanted.
He is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over a decade of experience, and he is known for his meticulous technique, his attention to detail, and his commitment to patient satisfaction.

Call (212) 633-0627 or click here to schedule your consultation today.

A woman in a black bikini posing for a photo, showcasing her flat stomach.

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