Liposuction Revision NYC

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A woman in a pink bikini with turquoise nails.

Liposuction revision surgery is performed to address imperfections or irregularities from a previous liposuction procedure. It is important to choose an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Smith to perform liposuction revision, as it can be technically more challenging than an initial liposuction surgery.

Why Consider Revision Liposuction?

Some common reasons patients seek liposuction revision include botched or bad experiences from past liposuction that resulted in contour irregularities and asymmetrical body shaping. There may also be areas where unwanted fat cells or fatty deposits were left behind after the initial procedure.

Liposuction revision can help correct these issues and create a natural appearance.

Revision: A woman in a white bikini posing on a neutral background.

Types of Liposuction Procedures

To better understand each procedure that might be used as part of a customized approach to revision liposuction,, here’s an overview of the options:

Liposuction Technique
Tumescent LiposuctionProvides local anesthesia to large volumes of subcutaneous fat and thus permits liposuction more effectively, safely, and with less pain than traditional liposuction. Tumescent liposuction can safely remove fat from almost all parts of the body.
Ultrasonic LiposuctionThis technique uses ultrasonic energy to liquefy fat cells before they are removed, making it suitable for larger areas of fat removal. 
Laser LiposuctionA laser is used to liquefy fat cells before removal to be used for smaller target areas. Laser liposuction may cause less swelling and bruising than traditional methods.
Power-assisted LiposuctionThis involves a vibrating cannula that breaks up fat cells before they are removed. It can be used for both small and large areas of fat removal.
Smart LiposuctionA trade name for laser liposuction, smart lipo uses laser energy to break down fat cells before removal, making it an option for both small and large treatment areas. 

What Can You Do if You Get Bad Liposuction?

Realizing that a cosmetic procedure didn’t turn out as you hoped is heartbreaking. Sometimes, “bad” liposuction can happen if the surgeon doesn’t have the right experience to perform the procedure successfully or the patient isn’t a good candidate. Either way, botched liposuction is physically, mentally, and financially draining.
Liposuction gone wrong can be corrected with revision surgery to give you the results that you wanted in the first place.

Signs of a Bad Liposuction Procedure

Liposuction results typically take 3-6 months to stabilize. However, once your results are stable and final, there are several red flags to look out for.

Uneven Fat Removal – The treated areas can look bumpy, wavy, or warped if the doctor doesn’t evenly remove the fat or they don’t remove enough fat (or remove too much fat!).

Dents or Divots – Skin imprints that resemble cellulite are often caused by being over-aggressive or too superficial during the lipo procedure.

Scar Tissue – Excessive scar tissue can form if your initial procedure is too aggressive, leaving behind skin irregularities and an uneven texture.

Loose Skin – You may be left with loose skin if so much fat is removed that your skin cannot contract to fit your new shape.

Cannula Marks – You may see “stripes” or straight lines from where the liposuction cannula was passed if the procedure was performed too close to the skin.

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How Can You Correct Liposuction Gone Wrong?

You can undergo liposuction revision surgery if you’re unhappy with the results of your procedure. If you’re considering having a liposuction revision, it’s important to contact a knowledgeable surgeon such as Dr. Smith with his extensive experience in liposuction revision surgery.

Modifications can be more complicated than primary liposuction surgery because of the irregular contours and potential scar tissue.

After eating a heavy meal, a man grimaces in discomfort as he clasps his stomach with both hands.

Dr. Smith performs liposuction revision for patients unhappy or dissatisfied with their initial procedures. He lectures nationally educating other plastic surgeons how to perform these complex procedures as well.

Secondary liposuction cases must be performed with a certain level of attention and care for the best possible results. Liposuction correction at our NYC office is performed using several liposuction techniques depending on the issues you are having with your previous results.

A woman in black leggings revising her pose for a photo.

How is Uneven Liposuction Fixed?

Liposuction revision helps create a smoother, more even surface where you may have dents, divots, or unevenness. Depending on the extent of your case, Dr. Smith may address your concerns using a tumescent liposuction technique combined with other methods (such as VASER, BodyTite or fat grafting ) to reshape and recontour the target areas.

Sometimes, patients may need a fat transfer to address irregularities or fill in hollow areas caused by a previous procedure. Fat transfer or fat grafting removes unwanted fat via liposuction and injects it into another area. In addition, fat grafting can help with severe bumps or indents in the skin.

VASER uses ultrasound energy to break down scar tissue and lay the foundation for a smooth new contour. When the scar tissue from the first procedure is treated with VASER, the previously constricted space between the skin and deeper tissue can be opened up to accept fat grafts that can yield a significantly improved appearance.

BodyTite to uses radiofrequency energy to tighten skin. If over-aggressive liposuction has left loose skin behind, BodyTite may be used to tighten the skin and improve the resulting contour of your revision procedure.

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The Liposuction Revision Process

1. Consultation with a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

During the consultation, Dr. Smith will thoroughly examine the treated areas, discuss concerns about irregular contours or suboptimal results, and evaluate skin elasticity and excess. Goals for improved shaping will be reviewed.

2. Evaluating the Previous Liposuction Procedure

Dr. Smith will carefully evaluate records from the prior liposuction, if available, to determine the technique used originally. By analyzing what may have gone wrong initially, such as an improper amount of fat removed or damage to the skin, a plan can be made.

3. Planning the Revision Liposuction Surgery

With a deep understanding of what needs correcting, Dr. Smith will create a customized surgical strategy. This may involve using an alternate liposuction style or combining it with procedures like fat grafting to contour specific pockets of remaining fat. Addressing lax skin may also be recommended.

4. Revision Liposuction Surgery

With care and precision, Dr. Smith will suction away any residual unflattering fat deposits during surgery, sculpt natural transitions between areas, and enhance the body’s proportions. Advanced cannula techniques may be leveraged while limiting risks like blood loss or disruption of skin.

Benefits of Liposuction Revision

  • Achieving Natural Appearance and Attractive Contours: The precise removal of uneven fat deposits and refinement of curves allows for naturally appealing and proportionate shaping to take place.
  • Removal of Unwanted Adipose Cells and Contour Improvement: By targeting residual pockets of fat cells that evaded the initial procedure, a smoother transition of shapes can be created between areas like the hips, back, and thighs.
A woman in a black swimsuit striking a pose for a photo.
  • Addressing Excess Skin, Elastic Skin, and Skin Tightening Needs: Liposuction alone may not be adequate for addressing hanging skin left over from weight changes or previous treatment. Revision can combine skin resurfacing or procedures like tummy tuck to result in a youthful appearance.
  • Restoring Proportions and Self-Confidence: Correcting asymmetrical or disproportionate outcomes helps reset the body’s harmonious contours. This boosts feelings of physical well-being and confidence in how one presents themselves.
  • Achieving Goals Efficiently: By building upon an earlier surgery, revision liposuction avoids extensive repeated work and downtime – helping patients satisfy shape objectives in an optimized manner.
A woman showcasing her strong arm muscles.
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Candidates for Liposuction Revision – Considerations

For patients seeking to correct imperfections from a previous liposuction, it is important to determine whether they are suitable candidates for the revision procedure.

Several key factors must be examined by the experienced plastic surgeon to ensure good healing potential and realistic expectations.

Ideal Weight and Healthy WeightPrime candidates are those at a stable, normal BMI who exercise regularly and have localized deposits of stubborn fat. Liposuction alone is not a weight loss procedure and requires maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Elastic Skin and Loose SkinWhile liposuction can eliminate fat, it does not tighten skin. Patients with good elasticity in treated areas have better chances of skin retracting naturally after revision. Those with pendulous skin may need additional techniques like a tummy tuck for optimal results.
Evaluating Scar Tissue and Fatty DepositsRefining prior outcomes requires safely removing any residual fat pockets, stubborn irregularities, and addressing scarring. A thorough exam by the surgeon is crucial to devising a customized approach, whether utilizing advanced cannula scar tissue breakdown methods or combining it with other modalities like ultrasound treatments.
Post-SurgicalSecondary liposuction may not entirely undo earlier imperfections. Consistency with post-operative garments and massages can optimize outcomes when combined with quality techniques.
Screening for Health FactorsA history of smoking, diabetes, or taking blood thinners can potentially elevate risks, so full health screening aids the plastic surgeon in determining suitability and providing informed consent.

Post-Operative Care and Recovery

  • Importance of Compression Garments: Wearing compression garments, such as shapewear or Spanx, is critical after surgery to minimize swelling and support the skin through the contouring process. Garments are often worn for 1-4 weeks as directed by the plastic surgeon.
  • Healing Process and Monitoring Progress: Healing fully depends on factors like the extent of revision needed and individual factors. Follow-up appointments allow the surgeon to ensure swelling is subsiding and shape changes are progressing normally over several months.
  • Activities and Limitations Within First Days: Patients should take it easy initially, avoiding strenuous exercise or tasks that strain the treatment area. Short, slow walks are encouraged with lifting restrictions. Driving should wait until you are comfotable with sudden movements and no longer taking narcotic pain medication.
  • Managing Expected Discomfort: Most patients experience a degree of post-procedure discomfort similar to the feeling of s a strenuous workout. You may find pain medication helpful for the first few days. Close communication with our office well ensure a safe, comfortable recovery.
  • Returning to Daily Activities: Many can transition back to desk work within 48 hours, depending on tolerance. Vigorous activity may take 2 weeks, and complete recovery can take 4-6 weeks to essentially feel like you never had the procedure.

Cost and Financing

Liposuction revision cost is very variable andt the exact cost will be highly dependent on multiple factors. A great deal of this comes downt to the degree contour irregularity from the initial case. Dr. Smith’s team will discuss the details with you to accommodate your needs and goals.

Can I Get Revision Liposuction Alongside Other Procedures?

Yes. In most cases, it’s perfectly safe to complement your revision surgery with another procedure like a tummy tuck, breast surgery, or a fat transfer like a BBL. Your doctor will discuss which approaches may best enhance your revision liposuction results.

Revision: A woman in a white bikini affectionately holding her stomach.

Achieve Your Body Contouring Vision

Are you still dissatisfied with the results of past liposuction that left uneven rolls, love handles, or saddlebags behind? Take the next step towards the toned, sculpted figure you’ve always wanted.

Dr. Darren Smith and his team have refined countless patients’ silhouettes through expert liposuction revision techniques. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and a lifelong dedication to his field, Dr. Smith can skillfully rebalance proportions, remove stubborn fat pockets, and contour your curves to an ideal contour.

Schedule your personalized consultation today – in our expert hands, even problematic areas that evaded former treatment can be effectively restored!

A man in a micro suit is posing for a photo.
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